

Hi guys! If you follow me on tumblr, you may know that I've become an social media ambassador for a web shop called 96cm. I'm so grateful that I got the chance to be a part of such an original brand. Their clothes are modern and simple, but come in so many different designs, which helps you create your own style. So I thought it would be good to show you some of my favorites.

These are only a few of the great stuff they have at 96cm. And remember to use the code "KACPER" at the checkout for 5% off!


Change Your Life

Have you ever wanted to just stop. Stop doing what you're doing. Because what's the point? Sometimes I just feel like everything is moving around me and I'm the one standing still. And in moments like this, I decide that I want to do something. Change something. Do something different. For exemple, if I already ate toasts three days in a row for breakfeast, I'm gonna eat pancakes today. Or, if I have watched the same tv show at five, for weeks, I'm gonna read a book today instead, and watch the show other day. Changing your life doesn't have to mean leaving school or moving to a different country. The small changes we make, are also changes. 

I feel like this year, was a year full of changes for me. Some of them were good, some of them was bad. But I'm happy now, because those changes made me the person I am today. And even though I'm not perfect, and I never will be, I love myself for who I am. And you should too. And if you're not happy with your life. Change it. Because belive me, you have the power to do so. Start with the small things, and you'll see how easy it is to be happy, to feel good with yourself. 

I also thought about making a little list of the changes that really changed my live, in a good way of course.

- Becoming vegetarian
- Wearing the clothes I like, without caring what other things of them.
- Making a blog.
- Being around people that make me happy and affect me in positive ways, and ignoring the people make me sad, depressed or stressed.
- Focusing on the things I like.
- Talking to more nice people online.
- Sharing my opinions with others.
- Reading more books.
- Being myself. Always. Even if the people tell me otherwise.

So here you go. There may be many more changes I made, but these are the most important ones. My advice for you is to make this kind of lists aswell. At least once a year. And also, remember to change your life, so that you love it. Have a great day full of positive changes :)