

Denim Jacket and T-Shirt: H&M

Finally. I have a cup of tea by my side and a book that's waiting for me until I'm done writing this post. I haven't had time to do anything lately. School keeps me busy half of the day, and I often spend the other half resting.And to be honest, this outfit is perfect for when you have no time to spend on creating a super complicated look. It's simple, classy and has a hipster touch because of the denim.

My family and I are also moving soon. From our cute apartment in this cute city to a new, cute house close to the woods... in the middle of no where. I still on't know if I'm happy about moving. But it maybe be good for me, who know. At least, I'll have a brand new room to decorate, so I'll probably do a room tour post (or maybe even a video?). So yes, I'm quite excited. But for now. Have a nice day/night!

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